The RAD-5 Top of the Line Orgone Radionics Chi Generator Pro


The RAD 5 is the super powered radionics machine that you have been dreaming of.  With 5 massive orgone generators and a huger generator ring made of real Karl Welz super orgonite this is the professional radionic device with the power to handle any manifestation task.

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RAD 5 Radionics Machine Top of the Line Top Secret Radionic Device with Massive Orgone Generators says: The RAD5 is the ultimate power workstation for the professional or hard core radionics master.  The large ring made of Karl Welz’s genuine HSCTI Super Orgonite has 5 extremely powerful orgone generators.  Each generator uses the entire ring as its orgonite body.  This means that when you run all 5 generators at different frequncies it is the equivalent of having 5 rings.  In addition there are audio input options for 2 channels allowing for 2 generators to be driven by an audio signal rather than the built in pulse generator.  This means that the RAD5 can be the ultimate subliminal suggestion and affirmation powerhouse device.  By routing affirmations to those channels a user can direct those affirmations via a transfer couple or any of the manifestation programs to a destination target! This opens up incredible possibilities!

This device is an excellent companion to the Super Manifestation Ultimate program with its 5 hugely powerful generators.  We recommend you run all 5 generators at different frequencies and use BARRAGE MODE in the Super Manifestation Ultimate program to run an array of batched radionics operations.


The RAD 5 = Top of the Line Life Energy Device – Abstraction-based Trend Generator
Donut-shaped combination of five heavy duty orgone generators®, specifically designed for the M 2400 CD Manifestation Program™ for PC. The five output pipes point to the center.  Their frequency settings are structural links, and they also can be set at precise frequencies – with the help of a frequency meter


Permanent Abstraction Technologies: The Manifestation Devices
Radionics is one of the many methods of action at a distance with the help of structural links, and it is extremely effective, flexible and powerful.  In the case of radionics, numeric values are used as structural links.  Since Abrams, the person who introduced radionics, was using rheostats to make his measurements, he assumed “frequencies,” and this was a logical conclusion, which was based on the technological knowledge of his times.  Typically, whenever there is a scientific innovation, some ten to twenty years later followers of alternative sciences are making use of the new terminology.  This happened with “relativity” “quantum mechanics” and of recent “nanotechnology” just as it has been the case with “frequencies” at Abrams’ time.  

The “frequency” concept remained.  I conducted quite a few double-blind experiments, in which radionics dials were set arbitrarily while the person setting them “knew” what it was for.  It worked well, although no stick pad or other ideomotor response technique was used.  Obviously what counts is a simple method of making permanent a structural link to a target or trend, which is represented by abstractions, and a radionics device is a very useful tool for this. 

This is the reason why I prefer the term “rate” for a radionic setting rather than the term “frequency,” which can be misleading.

As you know already, the purpose of a Chi Generator® is the generating of life force, or Chi energy.Therefore, all radionics devices from HSCTI have a built-in Chi Generator® (orgone generator®) to provide the power necessary for effective action at a distance! The ATGS 3000 and RAD 5 are donut-shaped Chi Generators®. Their output pipes point to the center. Their frequency settings are also acting as structural links, or “radionics rates” according to experts in that method.  You can also define them as numeric representations of abstractions, which define specific trend energies or targets, or both.

The RAD 5 = Top of the Line Orgone Radionics™ Device

is a donut-shaped combination of five heavy duty Chi generators®, specifically designed for the Manifestation Program™ for PC and it works well, of course, with the Supermanifestation Program.  The five output pipes point to the center.  You can use their frequency settings as structural links (radionics rates).  With the new possibility of setting precise frequencies between approximately 0.6 Hz and 450 Hz, the new RAD 5 is a powerful tool not only for radionic settings, but also to set precise frequencies that have impact on the mind, precise frequencies representling planetary energies, specific parts of the body, etc.

Above you seen the RAD 5 with TC 99 transfer – the disk part, which you carry with you, can be attached to a key ring, and with a frequency meter. Each generator of the RAD 5 is switched on and off individually – you can see this on the image to the right.  Moreover, the output has the same characteristics as the AO 2000 Aqua Optimizer (and the ATGS).  This means that you can use the RAD 5 to make living water, which is supercharged with orgone energy.  Moreover, you can charge this water with the specific manifestation output of the RAD 5.

Therefore, the RAD-5 means scores of choice and ultimate flexibility

Most radionics devices and other devices for manifestation have one setting, rate, or “frequency”. This setting refers to a specific desired action, or trend.
The RAD 2400 series from HSCTI has one set of three dials for the trend and one set of three dials for the target of the operation. This is still in line with many other radionics devices on the market where you find one well for the person and another well for the “treatment”.

When we developed the first Digital Radionics™ Programs, i.e., the RI 2400 CD, which was the forerunner of the Manifestation Programs, we used our expertise in action at a distance. Consequently we decided to go a gigantic step beyond the limitations of conventional radionics: Besides the traditional structural links to the target (usually a person) and the trend energy (“treatment”), we included: 

 a setting that reflects the underlying energy (basic action),
  an energy that we set into the environment of the target person, and
  an alternate target. 

The basic action sets a specific, very generalized, energy pattern such as universal success or specific fields of experience that may be represented by planetary correlations.

The trend in the environment is an energy pattern that draws the target person into environments that are conducive for success or has impact upon people in the environment of the target person(s). 

The alternate target is a secondary choice, in the case when interferences of any kind prevent the trend energy from reaching the target. Grounding is another good choice for such a situation.

The overwhelming success of this first Radionics Program was the reason that led us to design a powerful orgone radionics device that matches this computer program: the RAD 5 with its five powerful orgone generators®, all of them with silver tubing pointing toward the center of action. They are arranged as part of a donut shaped chi generator that is connected with a radionics tuner that has 5 x 3 dials.  Each group of three dials determine the actual frequency of the individual orgonegenerator® that is connected with them. The result is a chord of five real frequencies, designed to give a super-boost to your success.

Suggested Accessories to the ATG 5

(1)  The TC 99 Transfer Couple (included for free):  For smooth transfer of life energy.  Both parts are made of super orgonite®.  You can put one transfer in the center of the RAD 5 and carry the other one with you for secure energy transfer at any distance.  You can put the transfer, which you carry with you, onto a key ring.

(2)  The RAOPTC power transfer couple.  With this accessory, you can add dynamics to the power of the RAD 5.  Keep the small disk on the device and use the larger disk to charge water, food, drinks and supplements anywhere, or simply carry it on yourself to give a continuous boost to your energy levels.  Both parts are made of super orgonite®.   

(3)  PBT 2400 power booster with transfer couple – see above.  With this accessory, you can add dynamics to the power of the RAD 5.  Put the booster part in the center of the RAD 5 and carry the small disk on you.  Ideally, attach it to your key chain.  This will provide you with a continuous boost to your energy levels.  Both parts are made of super orgonite®.  

(4)  The PBTBH 2400 Potency Booster
is made of a very special Super-Orgonite® composite material that has been specifically formulated for the purpose of sexual energy enhancement.  This device carries an unconditional one-month money back guarantee.

The PBTBH 2400 can provide you with massive life energy that is enhanced with specific sexual-performance boosting energies!  Put the Booster in the center of your RAD 5 and carry the transfer disk on you.  With this simple transfer arrangement, you can carry the energy of your Chi generator® with you and you can enjoy its exciting effects any place in the universe!  The large transfer allows you to charge water, food and supplements with this sex enhancing energy.