Psionic power is something anyone would like to have. Imagine the ability to harness ESP, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and other special abilities. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to bring these abilities about or to improve and sharpen them?
Well, there is and it is radionics.
Using radionics to improve psionics and psionic abilities is a lot easier than you might imagine. By creating a trend of psionic ability and a trend environment that supports psionics and then directing this trend at a particular target, such as yourself, the psionic abilities are manifested in the target.
The trend and target relationship in radionics can be used for many purposes, certainly the imagination is the only limitation. But the reason that boosting psionic abilities is such a powerful technique is because it becomes a feedback loop. By improving psionic ability, radionic skill is increased. With increased radionics skills psionics can be boosted even higher and so on.
If you need someone to help you there are professionals out there that will do Money Spells for you.
If you already own a radionics device then all you need to do is decide on exploring this new trend. Remember that a genuine Karl Welz orgonite powered radionics device is the only legitimate equipment to use, such as the hugely popular RAD 2400 HD or for a smaller budget the RAD 2000.