Orgonite powers your radionics operations with the energy to manifest their outcomes.
How does it work? What does it do?

The chi generator uses it in its core to generate orgone energy and the generator is engaged. This energy fuels your radionic manifestation operation. It provides the necessary power in the same way that gasoline fuels a car engine.
Invented by Karl Welz, Orgonite was a term Mr. Welz himself coined to describe the substance that became the integral ingredient in the development of his advanced life-force generators or orgone generators as they are commonly known. The chi chi generator has an orgonite core that is also electrically powered to generate the life force or chi. While there are many fakes out there peddling orgonite necklaces, orgonite pendants, orgonite pyramids and other phony knockoffs, there is only one true orgonite and that is only made by HSCTI Hyperspace Communication Technology International and BEC Bio Energy Corporation which are both official Karl Welz companies owned by Mr. Welz. If someone has orgonite pyramids for sale, is selling orgonite pyramid molds, is talking about how to make an orgonite pyramid or is telling you where to buy orgonite pendants realize that they are all phony fakes.
Some will tell you how to make it, how to make your own orgonite at home or offer tips on building a orchigone generator. Realize there is only one true original with the correct formula: genuine Karl Welz, which is used inside orgone generators, tc99 transfer couples, pbt2400 power booster transfer couples and in the rings of the larger manifestation devices: the RAD 5 and ATG 12000. Nobody but Karl Welz and his staff knows the real formula.
It is important to understand that there is really only one person that makes the real thing. That man is Karl Hans Welz, the inventor. While there is a growing cacophony or peddlers of inferior would be sellers, there is only one original and genuine article. Think Rubik’s Cube, how many imitations were out there in the 1980’s? Lots, and they were all inferior products and fell apart with minimal use. It is important for you to understand that anything but real, genuine Orgonite made by HSCTI/BEC and Karl Welz is not really orgonite. And any alleged Guru X’s fake could be dangerous at worst and non effective at best.

in 1992, when Mr. Karl Hans Welz invented a new orgone accumulating material, which he called “orgonite®” he knew is was onto something truly revolutionary. Expanding on the work of Wilhelm Reich, Austrian-American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, (March 24, 1897 – November 3, 1957) Welz invented a substance exponentially more powerful that Reich’s orgone accumulator. Welz orgonite is significantly more effective than the traditional materials such as layers of steel wool and fiber glass or celotex, and it allowed the manufacture of very small orgone generators and accumulators. This new material, orgonite®, allows to make powerful Chi generators® of very small size such as the Chi generators® of the JU series. The first EPG 2000 orgone generator™ has been on the market since early 1993. Thousands of these devices have been sold all over the world to persons who decided to gain an edge in their various aspirations. It led to the next development: the power boosters and transfer disks.
So by now I bet you are wondering…What is orgone energy and How can I use it?
Well, it is best used inside a Welz chi generator or in a TC 99 transfer couple or PBT 2400 power booster. So, you use orgonite by using a Welz Chi Generator. How does a Welz Chi Generator work? By stimulating the orgonite inside the generator with a specifically designed pulse the material is excited and begins to generate and concentrate orgone energy which then collects at the output pipe. That orgone energy is now ready to be put a purpose by your mind. Here are 3 ways to go about this.
- #1. Use radionics software such as Super Manifestation Ultimate, or Manifestation Pro.
- #2 Use a standalone radionics device such as the RAD 2400HD or RAD 1000.
- #3 Use a TC99 transfer couple or PBT 2400 powerbooster to transfer the energy directly to you.
Now you can take advantage of genuine orgonite by using a Welz Chi Generator Radionics Device. For beginners we recommend a radionics starter kit which includes a JU1000 device, a meditation DVD and Super Manifestation or a Manifestation program.
Be exited and prepare to change your life using the magick of the future, one manifestation at time with the POWER of chi ENERGY!
Advanced RADIONICS MASTERS may graduate to a super device such as the RAD-5 professional radionics workstation.
Free Love Spells are an option for those that cannot do radionics.
The most important things to understand about orgonite is that YOU can use it to manifest your desires at lightning speed. With an manifestation device you have the most powerful secret of the law of attraction – life force. Whether you wish to attract a new love, business success and money, enhanced mind power, mind control over others, psychic abilities, and more the Welz Chi Generator and radionic devices are your fast track to success. Remember if it is not genuine Welz/BEC/HSCTI it is not the real thing!
- Orgonite is a regsitered trademark of Karl Welz/HSCTI/BEC